What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Ideas about what the perfect body looks like have been constantly evolving over hundreds of years. In the 1920s, women strove for boyish looks and flattened their curves; in the 1950s, curvaceousness became a huge trend, with skinnier women turning to weight gain supplements; and the 1990s saw the era of the ‘supermodel butt’, sported by waifish women with pert behinds. Nowadays, contemporary media and pop culture is saturated with images of voluptuous woman flaunting their behind – the ultra-thin runway model look is out, and curves are in. In a bid to emulate these designer butts and celebrate shapeliness, many woman are turning to surgery. A Brazilian butt lift, known in plastic surgery circles as an SSBA (Safe Subcateneous Buttock Augmentation) and in mainstream culture as a BBL, is less of a physical lift and more a two-step process of liposuction and augmentation. The end result reveals a lower body transformation; slimmed down thighs and abdomen, and a rounder, ...